"I feel so good in my skin!! I get so many compliments and feel so much healthier! I absolutely love who I am and being with myself and choosing things that are going to serve me best!"
"My mindset has completely shifted and I’ve become more of a positive person! I love the accountability I have with this amazing supportive group of women. I was so nervous about taking this on with my situation but it has been 150% worth it!"
"I have learned how to serve myself by eating good foods and fun foods! I can eat chocolate and still see results! I feel so good in my skin! I bought a size small the other day and am so thrilled!"
"I feel like a whole new person! I can’t believe the results I have seen in just a few months! After years of dieting and trying everything in the book, I have finally found a process that works FOR ME, and the best part, I get to eat what ever I want! Thank you so much AnnMarie, I don’t know where I would be without you."
- April
Meet Lisa Nastaka
22 lbs down in Breakthrough
"I quit smoking! After starting this program I realized the habits I had negatively affected my kids. I never want my family to feel the way I felt before starting this program, so I better lead by example!"
"I feel so strong and confident. This is so much more than the weight loss. I needed this program to teach me to love myself beyond the scale and address the internal wounds I needed to heal to see success and keep moving forward!"
- Katie
Meet Katie Campbell
21 lbs down in Breakthrough
"I am so glad that I decided to start this program when I did and not pull the excuse of waiting until after the holidays. The tips on mindset and getting through the holidays have been a game changer. I was able to enjoy the holiday with my friends and family and fully enjoy the food with zero guilt AND still saw results!"
"In only 5 weeks you have impacted me my life more than I ever expected! The level of confidence I now have is not only impacting my life, but the lives of others around me! I am so glad I took a leap of faith and signed up for your program!"
-Katie U.
Meet Michele Colburn
18 lbs down in Breakthrough
"I really though that I was too old to make a change. I can truly say, that this is a COMPLETE lifestyle transformation. I can’t thank you enough for giving me my confidence and strength back!”
“I honestly never thought I would be able to lose this stubborn post partum fat! Especially as a vegan, its so hard to find a coach that can cater a program specifically towards me, so thank you SO much for over delivering on your end to make sure I got results no matter what it took.”
- Shannon
Meet Emily Adams
17 lbs down in Breakthrough
"I am feeling so much more confident in my body! I compared my first weeks check in photos to now and I almost cried! I’m so proud of how far I’ve come physically and mentally!"